The speed a ship is going means the difference between life and death for
whales. New research has found that if ships are travelling at less than 10
knots then no rare right whales are killed by collision.
When large vessels travel at more than 10 knots, whales are pulled towards the
ships’ hulls and propellers with increasing force as the ship goes faster. The
whales are also more likely to be run into by ships travelling at speed.
In 2008 America introduced seasonal speed restrictions in right whale feeding
areas, migratory corridors and calving areas off the east coast. The original
proposals were watered down though – the corridors protected were narrower than
the actual migratory routes for example.
Researchers David W. Laist, Amy R. Knowlton and Daniel Pendleton found that
since the speed restrictions have been in place, absolutely no right whales (Eubalaena
glacialis) have been killed by ships. They call for the
protection for migratory corridors to be widened and the speed limits retained
indefinitely. They also want more seasonal restrictions to protect humpback
whales. There are people suggesting that dredged channels be exempt from
the restrictions, but the researchers point out that because whales must travel
across those channels they are at no less risk of being struck and so the
dredged channels should stay.
The North Atlantic right whale is one of the most endangered marine mammals,
with a population of just 500.
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