
Sunday, 3 May 2015


Written by U.D. Okechukwu

Men have done deeds, intrigues, antics and they are liable to whatever they have done.

There was a certain man who was loved by the people. He believed everyone loved him because of the numerous things he did and they heard he did. He never gave room for stupidity to reflect in all of his doings. How very optimistic he was to realize that in his many doings others still cursed him.

One would begin to think; why was he cursed if he does good things all the time and everyone loved him?

The holy book let us understand that the world was full of wickedness and sin ruled the heart of man. HE therefore sent his only son to die for the sins of mankind. Yet in all the good things recorded in the bible about the son of God wasn't he hated and cursed?

There was another certain man who was hated by the people. He believed everyone hated him because of the things he did. He always gave room for stupidity once in a while to reflect in his doings. How optimistic he was that even in his many doings others still cursed him, yet all he did seemed to please the people.

One would begin to think; why wouldn't he be cursed if he did hateful things all the time yet they seemed right in the sight of the people?

The holy book let us understand that he wants man to be perfect. Peter denied the lord Jesus Christ three times. When he was told he would do that he disbelieved because he never gave room for stupidity to reflect in all his doings.

Many believe that; in every non-sense there is an atom of sense in it. Sometimes you find something sensible in doing something stupid just like a certain scientific mistake that was just a stupid act eventually turned out to become a great invention.

The certain man in the last context was named Gveuni. Many loved the good he did because he sacrificially elevated many to have better lives while he wasn't living in one. Many asked for his help for the minutest of favor. He answered them because he felt and believed that doing good was his birthright.

He trained so many people in the best private schools. He also trained his children too. In one of his goodness escapade, he would drive people to the airport when they wanted to travel and picked them up when they arrived but he never traveled in a plane once.

Gvueni loved his children and wife but loved to do good more.

“Oh, he is a good man" they said as he was always being exploited. However, the good deed he did to people, they never reciprocated.

For example; …. To be continued

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