Written by U.D. Okechukwu
When Gveuni retired from active service, he could no longer
do much good as his arrears were being held for many years. He encountered many
difficulties. No one remembered him even if they knew his predicament.
Amazingly many of them he helped became something in life, now they let him know that
he made a big mistake doing good indirectly.
There was a certain time when he
couldn’t pay his house rent. He had no money but he had the contacts to ask. Something was obvious and I’ll share: When you help people they see you as an
angel at that moment, when they want to repay your help they do it just as you
did for them that is; if they like but you who helped believe that you do not need to ask
before they help in return. Meanwhile the person you helped believes you should ask
for help when you need it. Gveuni never asks those he helped for help because
he believed they ought to know and come to his aid whenever he is in need.
Unfortunately, the reverse was Gvueni’s case. Gveuni may be
a case study for being extremely good.
The other certain man named Gaeme had a strong mind when
doing good for anyone. He watches you closely and will tell you directly that
if he helps you, this and this are what you will do in return. He went as far as
preparing written documents to that effect. People hated him for that yet they
look out for him whenever they needed his help.
Many termed him as wicked yet when they needed someone to
take care of some certain responsibilities they call on Gaeme saying he is the
right person for the assignment and will ensure that Gveuni prays for him.
While jumping the pole-vaults of life and its issues, we
come across different people and events that makes someone say one or two
things about another person.
From the time one is conceived, good/bad curses clash in the
span of that individuals life time until the person departs from the world.
Man must toil the ground to produce food and woman must bear
the pain of childbirth. There are many other causes attached to mankind after
he disobeyed God but as the days go by, mankind tries to undo so many of them.
Example: making sure that power never goes out, making sure
women gives birth without pain, and making sure everyone doesn't need to be
farmers and so much more.
The curse clash hovering endlessly over every man cannot be overemphasized
yet men themselves still add more by cursing themselves, Parents cursing
children, children cursing parents, men cursing women and women cursing men, men
cursing fellow men and women cursing fellow women.
The creator cursed man, now man curses man. Some even go as
far as using Gods name to rein curses on their fellow man, others maintain
traditional and diabolic mean to do the same.
Curses means - to say a word or an
expression which is not polite and shows that you are very angry Curses
also means - to say magic words
which are intended to bring bad luck to someone
Therefore one makes good curses when he is overwhelmed with
goodness while one makes bad curses when hurt and in pain.
Let us be careful with the kind of curses we profuse out our
mouth for the curses man already bears is more than enough and man needs no
more added onto it.
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