The world could suffer a
40 percent shortfall in water in just 15 years unless countries dramatically
change their use of the resource, a U.N. report warned Friday.
Many underground water reserves are
already running low, while rainfall patterns are predicted to become more
erratic with climate change. As the world's population grows to an expected 9
billion by 2050, more groundwater will be needed for farming, industry and
personal consumption.
The report predicts global water
demand will increase 55 percent by 2050, while reserves dwindle. If current
usage trends don't change, the world will have only 60 percent of the water it
needs in 2030, it said.
less available water risks catastrophe on many fronts: crops could fail,
ecosystems could break down, industries could collapse, disease and poverty
could worsen, and violent conflicts over access to water could become more
the balance between demand and finite supplies is restored, the world will face
an increasingly severe global water deficit," the annual World Water
Development Report said, noting that more efficient use could guarantee enough
supply in the future.
The report, released in New Delhi
two days before World Water Day, calls on policymakers and communities to
rethink water policies, urging more conservation as well as recycling of
wastewater as is done in Singapore. Countries may also want to consider raising
prices for water, as well as searching for ways to make water-intensive sectors
more efficient and less polluting, it said.
In many countries including India,
water use is largely unregulated and often wasteful. Pollution of water is
often ignored and unpunished. At least 80 percent of India's population relies
on groundwater for drinking to avoid bacteria-infested surface waters.
In agriculture-intense India, where
studies show some aquifers are being depleted at the world's fastest rates, the
shortfall has been forecast at 50 percent or even higher. Climate change is
expected to make the situation worse, as higher temperatures and more erratic
weather patterns could disrupt rainfall.
Currently, about 748 million people
worldwide have poor access to clean drinking water, the report said, cautioning
that economic growth alone is not the solution — and could make the situation
worse unless reforms ensure more efficiency and less pollution.
"Unsustainable development
pathways and governance failures have affected the quality and availability of
water resources, compromising their capacity to generate social and economic
benefits," it said. "Economic growth itself is not a guarantee for
wider social progress."
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