
Saturday, 1 February 2014


...before their mother explained to them, Eta, the eldest girl who was of the same height as Tesa had gone to Tesa . She asked her name and they started to talk together.

"I like Tesa, mother," Eta told her mother. "Let her stay here with us and play with us. We'll go to
school together. She says she has not been going to school."
"Good" answered the mother. "I am glad you like Tesa . She'll live with us here and you all can play together. I am sure Tesa will like it too. Don't you like it Tesa?"
"Very much, mother, answered Tesa.
"Now run along. Get yourself ready for school, Eta. Tesa and I are going out soon."

Adia took Tesa with her to the hospital. they both went with the men to the grave which had been dug for Jarin's body. Tesa looked on as her mother was buried. she cried and held on to Adia.

"Its alright, my child," Adia said, patting Tesa on her head. There is nothing to cry about. You have me as your mother and you have a home. 
Adia did not go home. she went to her stall in the market. she held Tesa's hand as she went.

One of the two women saw them afar and called to the other. "See your friend and her new daughter." They both laughed.
Adia greeted the two women as she came into her stall. She asked Tesa to say 'hello' to them. She did and they answered. Tesa had not forgotten what they said to her the day before.

Adia had hardly settled down in her stall when the white man came to her. He had a white woman with her. They looked through the old carvings which Adia had in stock and picked four of them. T hey paid her the same price for thirty naira each.

When Adia counted the money, she almost swooned. she couldn't believe it. It was like a dream and she feared that she might wake up from the dream to find the  one hundred and twenty naira gone with the dream. she had never held that much money in her hand together and at the same time.

When Tesa rested her arm on the low wall that divided the stalls, the younger of the two women shouted harshly to her, "Take away your dirty hand, you little witch"
When Adia asked why she was so hard on the poor child the older woman cut in, "Do you think we don't know what is happening? you have used the little girls power to charm the white people. they will soon come back for you with the police. you will both go to gaol."

Adia did not answer. She knew they were jealous. she parked in her wares and went home. She had more money in her pocket than the two women would together ever have.

On the way she bought fresh fish, a lot of meat and provisions of all sorts. She had decided to celebrate. She would make her husband and her children including Tesa very happy. When she reached home, she got busy and soon she.. to be continued on Tuesday

Story Series is published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Don't miss it!!!


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