
Monday, 14 April 2014


 (THIRTY-ONE) Make sure that what you are saying is the truth so you never have to live in fear of being discovered.

(THIRTY-TWO) Think twice, speak once.

(THIRTY-THREE) If you catch yourself exaggerating, correct yourself immediately and say the right thing. The more you lie, the more you create new lies to cover-up the previous ones you concocted. You will forever be looking behind your back to see what is catching up with you among your lies. Truth liberates you. The path of integrity is always the best choice.

(THIRTY-FOUR) To become an exceptional conversationalist, practice active listening, ask questions, don’t interrupt others and maintain eye contact.

(THIRTY-FIVE) Tape-record your voice. Say your name, what you do and where you live. Listen to it like a stranger and correct your flaws.

(THIRTY-SIX) The easiest way to make an enemy is to win an argument and make the other person look stupid especially in public. Express your opinion and let others express theirs.

(THIRTY-SEVEN) Learn to pay compliments to people, especially when they look, dress, speak or perform better than you.

(THIRTY-EIGHT) Don’t try to impress people with your accomplishments, let them discover it themselves.

(THIRTY- NINE) Name dropping is inappropriate. Don’t use the names of successful or famous people in conversation to boost your low self-esteem.

(FORTY) Speak of the good in all your relationships, both past and present.

(FORTY-ONE) Learn to be assertive, tactful and sensitive.

(FORTY-TWO) Stay the best about people you are not really close to but have heard or read about. Some of their friends may be present listening to you.

(FORTY-THREE) When talking with people, avoid talking about your hurts and those who engineered them. People don’t like associating with bitter people.

(FORTY-FOUR) Don’t advertise your past failures, short comings or weakness. Always engage in edifying conversation.

(FORTY-FIVE) Work on your communications skills. There is no worse put off than a good looking man or woman with a terrible command of the English language. Improve yourself. Remember that your facial expression and body language form about 60% of your communication, so let your words and non-verbal cues harmonize. Your ability to express yourself clearly will draw people to you and open doors of opportunity in relationships and in business.

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