
Monday 9 June 2014


Hilarious as the headline might seem but this was uttered by Stephanie, a four year old girl when all of a sudden the bulb came on and ceiling fan began to rotate in her daddy’s room. She was very happy; she leaped all over the place in excitement then she made the statement to her daddy who was busy
reading a book.
It is quite an out of the ordinary experience whenever NEPA aka Eko Distribution Company of Nigeria decides to restore power which they do at will. It is believed that
there is someone at the office who controls the switch because he wants to hear the people shout “UP NEPA!” and once he hears it, he smiles with satisfaction and immediately switches it off.

Who is that man?

I ask because he kills the joy of everyone, he makes everyone exuding with talent and ideas seem handicap, he makes the word productivity far-removed, in fact, null and void from the mind of the average Nigerian citizen, he tampers with the mental and psychological life of the growing child; he even made sure that everyone wallows in information deficiency. Although, he did not fail to subject and bewitch the people with his yell-once-I-come spell, he also succeeded in inputting his charisma just like a Microsoft programmer in the central processing unit of the children and youth but already corrupted our fathers just like a virus overrides a program.

In spite of all he has done, let it not be said that he went scot-free with his doings. This man has received curses in different languages, dialects and cultural displays attributed to the Nigerian people.

I once saw a man squeeze his fist strongly with an achieved look on his face such that he won an American visa lottery as he screamed ‘YES! UP NEPA!’ Also the many children of the next door neighbors were shouting UP NEPA!’ simultaneously such that the Super eagles of Nigeria scored a last-minute goal against Argentina in a match at the finals of the much extoled FIFA world cup.

I remember when the electricity was restored one certain evening, my mother leaped for joy, stretched her hands under the chair to get her stock of movies which she had kept for quite a while waiting to watch.

“My son, put this film for me let me watch” she said

As her son inserted the CD plate into the DVD player, she shouted

“Go straight to the point, their advert could take ages before the actual movie begins”

While her son fast forwarded the movie to the start and finally pressed the play button on the remote control she adjusted in her seat to enjoy her movie and possibly have a nice time then that man switched off the power.

Imagine how she felt?

Comment; Let us know your experience with NEPA?

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