
Monday 7 July 2014


Before you make any kind of marital commitment, get to know this man well. Get to be friends first, and then develop the relationship.

(ONE) when you met, both of you responded on an emotional level, you were
attracted to each other like magnets, in spite of your differences. Dating gives you the opportunity to deliberately assess his merits, if he is good enough for you.

(TWO) Get to interact and fellowship on a spiritual, mental, psychological and emotional level. Intimacy on these levels must be worked at if you want your relationship to succeed.

(THREE) Remember that you have your own life to live. Don’t plan your whole life around this man until he has shown you total commitment. You should therefore plan your outings.

(FOUR) Avoid unscheduled outings that clash with your own plans. Let him call you ahead of time to inform you of his intentions. At the beginning of your relationship, it may seem like fun because you are just getting to know each other, but later on it will become a problem you won’t be able to deal with because he does whatever he likes and you gave him that power.

(FIVE) Avoid late night outings when you are just starting out. You don’t really know this guy and the reason why you are dating is to know him better. Don’t create problems for yourself.

(SIX) You must study him to know who he is. Test him to know if he keeps his word and if he is really committed to you. You must however not major on his weaknesses but on his strengths. Can you spend the rest of your life with him, in spite of his weakness?

(SEVEN) Your business is your business until you prove his integrity. Don’t tell him everything about yourself until he proves his commitment to you

(EIGHT) When you go out on a date, let him try to impress you: give him a room to talk. He wants to win you over, if you like him, give him the opportunity to do so.

(NINE) No joint accounts please. Keep your own money until you get to know him, even then, be discrete in your financial affairs, you are not yet married.

(TEN) Even when you need money, avoid asking him for it. Look for alternatives to solve your financial challenges. Don’t turn him into your bank account, making withdrawals anytime you feel like. It may compromise your integrity and make it very difficult for you to stand by your purity principles. When a man begins to solve all your financial problems, one day, he may begin to take sexual overtures and this is the end of that relationship if you don’t want to compromise your faith.

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