Imam Busari Street is
located at the north-western part of Kirikiri town. It is a street that is inside another
street or perhaps at the tip or head of the another street. The name
however has a meaning as there is someone called Busari who
was an Imam. Imam
is a Muslim scholar and leader.
Imam Busari Street is one of the shortest streets in Kirikiri
town and its length is about 50 meters long. The street is not spacious as
there are wall-constructed shops on the right and a two story building on the
left which belongs to Imam Busari family.
It might interest you to discover an amazing fact that the
story building is the only building on the street and the next building is no.
21 Fakande Street. Many confuse Fakande and Imam Busari most a times while some
others believe that Imam Busari Street and Fakande Street are the same and
could be both addressed with the same name.
Imam Busari Street is a peaceful street. It inhabits peaceful
people. At night, the residents come out to receive the warmth that the sea
breeze gives and they chat and play games together. This street is in the
middle of Otun Street and Fakande Street. People often use the street as a
connector route from Otun Street to Fakande Street.
One story building and 3 business outlets are on imam Busari
Street and about 30 people live there.
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